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‘Ugly’-‘Beauty’-‘Transformational’ (The 3 Models of Selling Approach)

The true fact is there are many books and references out there publishing and writing about ‘Selling approach’ or ‘Sales and Selling Technique’ like

*Selling 101: What Every Successful Sales Professional Needs to Know and Secrets of Closing the Sale (Zig Ziglar)

*Major Account Sales Strategy (Neil Rackham), How to Master the Art of Selling (Tom Hopkins)

*SNAP Selling: Speed Up Sales and Win More Business with Today's Frazzled Customers (Jill Konrath)    

*Little Red Book of Selling: 12.5 Principles of Sales Greatness (Jeffrey H. Gitomer)

*SPIN Selling (Neil Rackham) and many more!

Nevertheless through my own personal observation together with references, I prefer to simply introduce ‘Ugly’-‘Beauty’-‘Transformational’ (The 3 models of selling approach)

1st model: ‘Ugly’ selling approach.

I refer to ‘Ugly’ selling approach as a sales proposition where their product/services are unattractive, unpleasant, obnoxious, repulsive, revolting’ that sells well and many customers will attract to it due to ‘curiosity, excitement, challenging, worry, fear, culture etc’ that gives rise to  negative emotions.

For example, those involved in the business of selling ‘Stinky tofu or chòu dòufu’ (臭豆腐) it sells great when the smell is greatly stinky {;-)

How about those involved in newspapers or tabloids where ‘the ugly news facts or fiction’  does sell well when it is ‘hot’ and ‘ sensational’  from news or topics like politic to personal affair….think of one that anyone are ‘tittle-tattle’ about or ‘eye-popping’ news {:-O

How about those 'ugly' toys from "Uglydolls, The Monster Factory, Kamibashi, The String Doll Gang and YooHoo & Friends"

If you get to travel abroad, you get to know Deep Fried Bugs in Thailand like water bugs, worms, grasshoppers and birds from a push cart or Balut (duckling in egg), Philippines popular street food{;- (

let's watch the video (source: YouTube) below how 'Ugly Selling' sells {:-(

So the question is can we sell insurance products via ‘ugly’ approach?

YES off course, we should apply ‘ugly’ approach when we sell Medical Card, Personal Accident & Critical Illness plans by educating & highlighting fear, unpleasant & repulsive outcomes that are provocative enough to arouse negative feelings.

2nd model: ‘Beautiful’ selling approach.

I refer to ‘Beautiful’ selling approach as a sales proposition where the product/services  are ‘attractive, pleasant, nice, gorgeous, appealing’ that sells well and many customers will be attracted to it due to ‘beauty, crazy to have, joy, happiness, reassurance comfort etc’ that gives rise to positive emotions.

That is what most selling models in the market and most marketers use as an approach to ‘attract and entice’ or ‘sweetener’. We can finnd this obvious selling approach via digital or printing media using ‘brand ambassador’ to ‘great offer’.
Obviously, we should sell ‘AIA saving plan’ beautifully like GIP, ELI, ECB, UL, EP30, ARA, AEA etc.

let's watch the video (source: YouTube) below how 'Beautiful Selling' sells {:-)

3rd model: ‘transformational’ selling approach.

I refer to ‘transformational’ selling approach as a sales proposition by ‘moving Ugly into Beauty’ where their product/services was in fact ‘unattractive, unpleasant, obnoxious, repulsive, revolting’ and transform them into ‘attractive, pleasant, nice, gorgeous, appealing’ features that sells well and many customers will be attracted to it due to ‘beauty, greatness, gratitude, joy, happiness, reassurance, comfort etc’ which allow negative emotions to transform into positive emotions.

The most observable and flourishing business models in ‘transformational’ selling approach is NV Multi Corporation Berhad, Semenyih Memorial Hills, Nilai Memorial Park, Paradise  Memorial Park etc via ‘transformational sales scripts’ together with ‘transformational sales presentation’.  

You may observe from the following video below on how they use ‘transformational sales scripts’ together with ‘transformational sales presentation’.

Hence the same can be appled in insurance, ‘moving Ugly into Beauty’ approach which is most used in Savings Plan as well as Business Insurance (pls read Beyond Business Insurance)

let's watch the video (source: YouTube) below how 'Transformational Selling' sells {;-)

(By Jameskohl)


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