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Showing posts from September, 2010

思想轉換 - 心態的力量 / The Power of Mindset

思想轉換 - 心態的力量 The Power of Mindset (source:  email from a friend) 女兒向父親抱怨,事事都很艱難。 A daughter complains toward the father, everything is difficult. 她不知如何應付生活,好像一個問題剛剛解決,新的問題又會出現,她有些厭倦。 She finds it hard to cope with life, seem a problem just resolve, the new problem appeared again, she was tired. 父親是一位廚師,把她帶進廚房。 Her father is a cook, bring her into the kitchen . 他先往三口鍋裡倒入一些水,然後放在旺火上。 He goes toward first to pour into some waters in 3 pots, then puts on the fire. 不久,水開了。 Soon, water boiling. 他往第一口鍋裡放一些胡蘿蔔,第二口鍋裡放入雞蛋,第三口鍋裡放入碾成粉末的咖啡豆。 He put some carrots in the first pot, put an egg into the second pot, put some coffee powder into the third pot. 20 分鐘後,父親把火關了,把胡蘿蔔撈出來,放入一個碗 內,把雞蛋撈出來,放入一個 鍋 內,然後把咖 啡舀到一個杯子裡。 20 minutes later, father off the fire, take out the carrot. Go to the second pot take out the egg, and then ladling up the coffee to a cup. 父親轉身問女兒: The father turned to ask his daughter: 「孩子,你看到了什麼?」 'Kid, what do you come in sight of?' 「

FPP 2010 Graduation