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EPF Health Withdrawal Extended To 55 Critical Illnesses And Purchase Of Medical Support Equipment

EPF Health Withdrawal Extended To 55 Critical Illnesses And Purchase Of Medical Support Equipment

The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) today announced that it has extended its list of critical illnesses eligible under its Health Withdrawal from 39 illnesses to 55 and also permits members to purchase critical medical support equipment and peripherals effective 15 July 2011.

The EPF had last extended its list of critical illnesses under its Health Withdrawal from 13 to 39 on 15 June 2010.

In a statement issued today, EPF Chief Executive Officer Tan Sri Azlan Zainol said, “As an organisation that cares for the wellbeing of its members, the EPF has taken the initiative to further extend the list of critical illnesses eligible under Health Withdrawal to help ease the financial burden of members in seeking immediate and the necessary medical treatment.  In addition, members now may even withdraw for the purpose of purchasing supporting medical equipment.”

The latest revised Health Withdrawal benefits cover an additional 16 types of illnesses including severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung fibrosis, chronic inflammatory bowel disease, systemic sclerosis with pulmonary hypertension and Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), which if not treated at that particular time can prove fatal, as well as three types of mental illnesses. (Refer to full list of critical illnesses under EPF Health Withdrawal attached.)

Withdrawal for the purchase of medical support equipment and peripherals is now permitted to treat patients suffering from all malignancy (Cancer) illnesses and illnesses which involve the disorders of cardiovascular system, respiratory system, nervous system, musculoskeletal system and ear.

Under the Health Withdrawal, members can withdraw savings from their EPF Account 2 to pay for their personal or family members’ medical costs incurred for the treatment of critical illnesses.

Family members under this withdrawal include spouse, children, step-children or legally adopted children, parents, parents-in-law, step-parents or legally foster parents, and siblings.

Members can also make a joint withdrawal with other family members to cover the required medical expenses, subject to the available balance in Account 2 and total cost of the medical treatment.

All withdrawals are subject to the validity of medical report, bills and receipts that must not exceed one year from the date the withdrawal application is submitted. All bills and receipts must also be in the name of the patient or applicant.

A member is not eligible to apply for the withdrawal if the illness is other than that stated in the EPF’s approved list of critical illnesses, or the cost of medical treatment is fully covered by the respective member’s employer or the employer of his or her family members.

Additionally, if a member is receiving fertility treatments or alternative treatments such as acupuncture or traditional medication, he or she is also not entitled to apply.

The updated full list of approved critical illnesses and medical support equipments medical support equipments as well as further information on how to withdraw under the EPF Health Withdrawal EPF Health Withdrawal can be obtained via this website. Members can also contact the EPF Call Centre at 03 – 8922 6000 or visit the nearest EPF branch.

About the Employees Provident Fund (EPF)
The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) is Malaysia’s premier pension fund, providing basic financial security for retirement. The Fund is committed to preserving and growing the savings of its members in accordance with best practices in investment and corporate governance.  It will always be guided by prudence in its investment decisions.

As a customer-focused organisation, the EPF delivers efficient and reliable services for the convenience of its members and registered employers. 

The EPF continues to play a catalytic role in the nation’s economic growth, consistent with its position as a leading savings institution in Malaysia.

Date: 14 July 2011

Source: EFP website


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