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ESTATE PLANNING: Businessman Gamal files caveat

Source:The Star

Thursday April 22, 2010 

Businessman Gamal files caveat



Businessman Syed Gamal Syed Kechik Al-Bukhary has filed a caveat to stop his stepmother and half-sisters from being appointed sole administrators to his late father’s RM400mil estate.

Puan Sri Sofiah Moo @ Moo Nyok Yin, 67, and his half sisters – Sharifah Munira, 44, and Puan Sri Sharifah Zarah, 42, – petitioned the court for a letter of administration last year.

Syed Gamal, 45, who is Tan Sri Syed Kechik Mohamed Al-Bukhary’s only son from his first marriage, filed the caveat on April 15 in a bid to be co-administrator of the estate.

The High Court had fixed yesterday to hear an earlier application by Syed Gamal to be an intervenor in the petition but he withdrew it when the case was called up.

Syed Gamal was represented by Zulkifli Che Yong and Azmi Mohd Rais while Datuk N. Vijay Kumar acted for the trio.

Deputy registrar Suzarika Sahak then set May 25 for case management of the petition and the family’s res­ponse to the caveat.

Speaking to reporters later, Syed Gamal said he was challenging the petition on two grounds: His name was not included as a petitioner when he was Syed Kechik’s only son; and certain valuable assets were not included in the List of Assets.

Syed Kechik, died at the age of 80 on April 10 last year after a heart attack.
On Sept 14 last year, the Syariah Court granted Syed Gamal an ex-parte injunction preventing his 44% stake in the estate – under Islamic inheritance law – from being sold or liquidated.

However, on Jan 15, a civil court granted his half-sisters an injunction barring him from, among others, interfering in the affairs of Syed Kechik Holdings Sdn Bhd.

High Court Judicial Commissioner K. Anantham held the Syariah Court had no jurisdiction over the company as it was a corporate entity.

Source:The Star


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