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New-FPP: Foundation Level

1) FPP Fellowship: (Storming, Norming, Forming, Performing)
·          Agent roles and responsibilities 3A: Aim-Action-Accountability
·          Group Leader roles and responsibilities 3C: Control-Coordinate-Communicate

2) Embrace & commit to NEW personal quality
·          Abundance Mind

·          My Worthiness:
o         I deserve abundance & greatness since 
·          I add value to my family’s happiness and joy
·          I add value to my customer’s life and assurance
·          I add value to my business partner (AIA)
·          I add value to my friends and associates
·          I add value to my growth and empowerment

·          My Creation
o         My Thinking: Thoughts are Things
·          I envision…
·          Myself as a successful Financial Consultant
·          My wealth via my brilliant sales idea and concept
·          My quality & fantastically satisfied customers
·          My excellent service to my family and customers
·          My network with the champions and winners

o         My Desire with Purpose: Burning and Definite
·          I want to create
·          my dream customer and network
·          my dream wealth and richness
·          my dream family and relationship
·          my dream house and property
·          my dream car and plenty of luxurious wants
o         My Faith: State of Mind
o         I allow ……
·          The almighty to bestow me all the blessing
·          My customer to bestow me the victory
·          My family to bestow me happiness and joy
·          My luck to bestow me the opportunity and destiny
·          My belief to bestow me the evidence and truth

·          Video presentation
·          The Science of Getting Rich and Attracting Abundance
·          Be Success You DESIRE
·          How To Create BURNING DESIRE?
·          & many more

·          The Law of Attraction (LOA) is in me:
o         My Ideal ABUNDANCE & GREATNESS in life
         [The Power of Belief]

·          My Business Model: 6P & Concept of A to I
o         Rule of engagement in BUSINESS 
·          Building Sales HABIT
·          3C : Confidence-Conviction-Course of Actions

3) Sales presentation, Analysis & Product Propositions
1)       WSP is a sales system with essence of financial planning processes
2)       WSP embraces F.E.E.S.S
3)       3 Simple Steps of WSP   
a.       Arousing Interest in ONLY 10 Minutes
b.      Fact Findings via CA/CC in ONLY 5 Minutes
c.       Analysis and Product Solutions in  ONLY 15 minutes
4)       Concept of A to I
a.       Accident
b.       Basic Life
c.       Critical illness
d.       Disability
e.       Education
f.         Femi-Choice
g.       General Insurance
h.       Hospital & Surgical
i.         Ideal Retirement
5)       WSP Sales Presentation: 5-4-3-2-1&3
6)       Protection Analysis & Proposition : A.I = ASSET & INCOME Protection
7)       Protection Analysis & Proposition: C.S.I
      =Cash Flow +Serious Cash + Income Rebuild
8)       Savings Analysis & Proposition: W.H.S = Want, Have & Save
9)       Ability to demonstrate WSIS/ILS & product analysis
10)   M/S Excel Spreadsheets for 4 Analysis
    -Analysis for Income Protection, CI, Educations & Retirements
    -Build-in TVM formula
    -Duplicable without cost


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