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Abundance Thinking vs Victimized Thinking

Along my 12 years of working experience, I had observed an apparent behavior demonstrated by certain groups of people around me that I know would have a tendency to display a ‘Victimized Thinking’.

These behaviors are far more apparent during my 6 years in AIA where evidently ‘Victimized Thinking’ was habitually demonstrated by agent or leaders and even some colleague that I know.

So, what is ‘Victimized Thinking’?

Well, I refer ‘Victimized Thinking’ as someone who has tendency of thinking that external environment are to be blame for his/her failure or frustration in his/her quest/journey to achieve/doing something.

*For example, words we utter when frustration happened like why me, why not him, ai life is always like that wan ahh, AIA is always like that lah…etc.*

Consequently, those who embrace ‘Victimized Thinking’ would display a negative behavior like stress, tears, and upsets etc where choice of words uttered be ‘2CC = Compare & Complain, Complain & Compare’ (hypocrite)   

Hence, those who embrace ‘Victimized Thinking’ would view their world full of 'obstacles'. They tend to view their life ‘poor’ in anything, ‘lacking’ here and there and a lot of ‘shortage’ in their abilities.

In short, his/her life is ‘Pity’ (in English), Kasihan’ (in Bahasa), 遗憾 (in mandarin)

Nevertheless, I equally observed some ‘beautiful’ behavior demonstrated by agents, leaders or colleague that I know, where they have tendency to get things done instead of hypocrite in nature when they faces circumstances that discourage them to move forward. Such ‘beautiful’ behavior I refer to as ‘Abundance Thinking’.

So, what is ‘Abundance Thinking’?

It refers to someone who views the world full of ‘opportunity’. They have tendency to think that external environment are frequently regulated by ‘Law of Nature’ like what goes around, comes around or every action there is a reaction. They respect the law and they embrace it. They believe that anything in front of them is always ‘beautiful’ as such they would prefer to keep moving forward.

Why ‘Moving Forward’ is important? It is because, everything in front of us is always ‘beautiful’, just ask yourself a simple question (are you looking forward to own a new car? new house? new watch? new handbag?)

Accordingly, those who embrace ‘Abundance Thinking’ would display a positive behavior like happiness, laughter, and empowering etc where choice of words uttered be YES WE CAN= lets do it, it can be done, there must be a way’ (Moving Forward Thinking)   

Therefore, those who embrace ‘Abundance Thinking’ would view their life ‘beautiful’ in anything, ‘empowering’ here and there and a lot of ‘strength’ in their abilities.

Abundantly, his/her life is ‘Beautiful’ (in English), Indah’ (in Bahasa), 美丽 (in mandarin)

“There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it”. By Napoleon Hill (author of Think and Grow Rich)
(by: JamesKohl)


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